Monday, February 15, 2010

CDIA Commercial Shoot

There were no classes today at CDIA because of President's Day. However, Gaston Lacombe, a CDIA alum, was shooting a CDIA commercial on campus. I joined to watch them as they prepared for the shoot. Eventually I got used as one of the photographers with TA David Phillipich, and FT student Caroline Spacee.

I believe the commercial is supposed to start off in a video game and then it pans out to see a kid playing the video game and then it pans out to see photographers taking pictures of the kid playing the video game and then it pans out to see a video editor editing video of the photographers taking pictures of the kid playing the video game. Get it? The commercial is supposed to show off all the departments here at CDIA.

Erik Eucke taking light measurements.

The video gamer taking instructions from Gaston. Guru Chris Alvanas observing.

Taking some shots with the gamer facing the camera.

Taking shots with the gamer sitting and facing the camera. TA David Phillipich helping out with the reflector.

TA David Phillipich doing what he does best with the camera.

FT student Caroline Space with a color checker card.

Put David and Caroline together and you have magic!

I eventually got shot holding a light meter and then together with David and Caroline. Being on the set was a lot of fun and also a lot of work. It's amazing what is needed to achieve perfect lighting and composition. Everyone was very good natured and very open to other people's creative opinions. I can't wait to see the final product.